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Aspire/African Legends Program


grew out of the need to assist youngsters in the development of skills necessary to become successful when taking standardized tests. It is our belief that youngsters perform better when they are familiar and comfortable with the material.   Ozanam’s   ASP (afterschool program) and Summer Camp staff provide activities that not only promote the standards, but engage the students in meaningful and innovative standards driven activities.  During the school year, students bring their standards driven homework to the ASP and the Ozanam staff and tutors from Duquesne University work with the youngsters to complete their assignments, and take a step further to engage the students in additional activities that promote that skill and/ or talk about what skill was being measured and why. Our summer camp provides classes for our students. Each day, the youngsters attend a standards driven reading and a standards driven math class.  Ozanam professionals engage students in the learning process with fun and innovative ways that enrich the student’s knowledge of the Pennsylvania Standards for reading and math and enhance their ability to challenge that knowledge.  Ozanam is an advocate of the Pittsburgh Promise and a member of APOST.



African American Legends
It is vital that our youngsters learn their rich history.  That history can be found right here in Pittsburgh; it can be found in this state, or well beyond.  Ozanam has started right here in the Hill District.  Our youngsters are introduced to a wealth of contributors who helped shape our world.  Cumberland Posey, Josh Gibson, Alma Speed Fox, Martin Delaney, George Benson, Teenie Harris, Daisy Lampkin, August Wilson, are just a few of our legends.  During the school year, the ASP introduces these champions.  The students play games, take trips, and see displays, which promote these legends’ accomplishments.   For the summer camp, the youngsters attend a daily class that focuses on the contributions of these legends through discussion, games, trips, guests, etc.  Ozanam believes, if a youngster can see the contributions of others, that child is far more likely to grow up as a contributor. and a member of APOST.

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